Reportedly, probiotic supplements might boost weight loss and increase the metabolic health of obese kids following an exercise plan and diet. The results of the study suggested that probiotic supplements might aid obese kids in reducing body weight and also decrease their peril of prospect metabolic conditions, as well as type II diabetes and heart disease. Obesity in adolescence and childhood represents a major health issue globally, which can cause the development of serious and debilitating complications, counting heart disease and type II diabetes. The probiotics are live microorganisms present in the gut that have health benefits. Though some studies have revealed the benefits of probiotic intake for health and weight loss in adults, its efficiency has not been completely studied in obese kids. The research was presented during the 58th Annual Meeting of ESPE (European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology).
During the study, Professor Rui-Min Chen along with colleagues from Fuzhou Children’s Hospital of Fujian, China, carried a randomized trial of probiotic effects on the wellbeing of obese kids, aged from 6–14 Years. The findings showed that kids treated with probiotic supplements lost considerably more weight and reported lower levels of markers that show poor metabolic health. Professor Chen stated, “Our results indicate that probiotic supplementation might assist with weight loss and increase metabolic health in obese kids and that this might be an efficient tactic for the treatment and prevention of obesity in the future.”
On a similar note, recently, a study showed that vitamin D supplements could promote weight loss in overweight or obese kids. Vitamin D supplements might encourage weight loss and decrease peril factors for future metabolic and heart disease in obese children, as reported by a study presented at the ESPE. These results indicate that simple vitamin D supplementation might be a part of an efficient approach to deal with childhood obesity and decrease the peril of severe health problems, like heart disease, in adulthood.