The bank which is behind the Apple card has been facing scrutiny legally over inequality accusations. The department of financial services of New York has launched their investigations into the practices of Goldman Sachs after David Heinemeier Hannon, the founder of Basecamp had accused Apple and in turn Goldman of sexism when they had been determining the credit limit. He had received a limit which was 20 times higher than what his wife had despite her credit score being higher and had not received any help from the customer services besides the murmurs of an internal complaint. She eventually received what was called a VIP bump in order to match the credit limit however this has been seen as a reaction to the outcry by public.
Hansson did not consider that Apple or even Goldman had set out with the intention of being discriminatory however it cannot be denied that the outcome indeed was sexist.
The department which is investigating the allegation is going to look into both the legal aspects of the wrongdoing and also the guarantee that all the customers are going to be treated equally.
Goldman though has kept its stand in a statement that the decisions about credit are taken only on creditworthiness and not on gender equality or their ethnicity however there was no explanation offered behind the decision which had been taken by them.
There is no certainty over how long this investigation is going to take and no surety that Goldman is going to make any adjustments. Though, this incident has underscored the concerns that there is bias in the algorithms which is causing it to be disadvantageous to a few groups.